Pseudomugil Gertrudae Aru
Pseudomugil Gertrudae Aru (Aru II Spotted Blue-eye)
The Pseudomugil Gertrudae Aru, commonly recognized as the Aru II Spotted Blue-eye, is a dazzling freshwater species with its distinctive blue eyes and ornate fin patterns. Originating from the Aru Islands in Indonesia, these delicate fishes are a visual treat with their spotted fins and agile movements. They serve as an enchanting addition to any nano or community aquarium with their shimmering hues and playful nature.
- Iconic blue eyes complemented by intricately spotted fins
- Females exhibit subtle hues, while males boast pronounced coloration
- Sociable and active, making them a pleasure to watch
- Peaceful temperament, coexisting harmoniously with other species
- Thrives when kept in groups, amplifying their natural behaviors
How to Keep:
Aru II Spotted Blue-eye prefers soft, slightly acidic water conditions. It's advisable to set up a well-planted tank with ample hideouts, mimicking their natural shaded stream environments. Dim or dappled lighting, coupled with gentle currents, offers a comfortable habitat for these beauties. To truly appreciate their display and encourage natural schooling, keep them in groups of 6 or more.
- Scientific Name: Pseudomugil gertrudae
- Temperature: 22 - 28 °C
- pH Level: 5.5 - 7.2
- TDS: 50-150 ppm
- GH: 5-12
- KH: 1-5
- Lifespan: 3-5 years
- Size: 2.5-3.5 cm
- Diet: Omnivore
- Behavior: Peaceful
- Breeding: Moderate