Tropical Fish
Fruit Color Tetra
Topick AquariumFruit Color Tetra Description: The Fruit Color Tetra is a collective term for a variety of small, vibrantly colored tetra species that add a spl...
View full detailsHyphessobrycon procyon
Topick AquariumHyphessobrycon Procyon Description: Hyphessobrycon Procyon is a strikingly beautiful and relatively rare species of tetra. It is highly valued f...
View full detailsCorydoras pantanalensis (C005)
Topick AquariumCorydoras pantanalensis (C005) Description: Native to the Pantanal wetlands, the Corydoras pantanalensis or 'C005' is a recently discovered specie...
View full detailsLambchop Rasbora
Topick AquariumLambchop Rasbora Description: The Lambchop Rasbora, also known as Trigonostigma espei, is a small and elegant freshwater fish, beloved for its vib...
View full detailsAlbino Sky Blue Guppy
Topick AquariumAlbino Sky Blue Guppy Description: The Albino Sky Blue Guppy is a stunning and unique variant of the popular guppy fish. Known for its ethereal ...
View full detailsBumble Bee Goby
Topick AquariumBumble Bee Goby Description: The Bumble Bee Goby is a small, striking fish known for its vibrant black and yellow striped pattern, reminiscent o...
View full detailsImperial Lapis Tetra
Topick AquariumImperial Lapis Tetra Description: The Imperial Lapis Tetra is a striking and elegant freshwater fish, prized for its vibrant colors and active b...
View full detailsLongfin Panda Cory
Topick AquariumLongfin Panda Cory (Corydoras panda var. Longfin) Description: The Longfin Panda Cory is a captivating variation of the well-lov...
View full detailsBalloon Red Swordtail
Topick AquariumBalloon Red Swordtail (Xiphophorus helleri 'Balloon Red') Description: The Balloon Red Swordtail is a unique and eye-catching variant of the com...
View full detailsJumbo Balloon Molly
Topick AquariumOrange Balloon Molly Description: The Orange Balloon Molly captivates with its unique, rounded body shape and vibrant orange col...
View full detailsRed Tiger Barb
Topick AquariumTiger Barb (Puntigrus tetrazona) Description: The Tiger Barb is a vibrant and lively freshwater fish known for its bold stripes ...
View full detailsL239-Blue Panaque Pleco
Topick AquariumL239 Blue Panaque Pleco (Baryancistrus beggini) Description: The L239 Blue Panaque Pleco, scientifically known as Baryancistrus beggini, is a hi...
View full detailsNeon Tetra
Topick AquariumNeon Tetra Description: The Neon Tetra, Paracheirodon innesi, is one of the most iconic and popular freshwater fish in the aquarium hobby. Renow...
View full detailsRed Lizard Whiptail Catfish
Topick Aquarium5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
Red Lizard Whiptail Catfish Description: The Red Lizard Whiptail Catfish is a fascinating and attractive species, known for its elongated, slende...
View full detailsRhinogobius 'Gold Ring'
Topick AquariumRhinogobius 'Gold Ring'
Red Cherry Tetra
Topick AquariumRed Cherry Tetra (Hyphessobrycon sp “Red Cherry”) Description: The Red Cherry Tetra, a variant of the Hyphessobrycon species, is a vibrant and eye...
View full detailsBlue Snake Goby
Topick AquariumBlue Snake Goby Description: The Blue Snake Goby, known for its distinctive snake-like pattern and striking blue coloration, is ...
View full detailsRedfin Penguin Tetra
Topick AquariumThayeria sp. Red Tail Description: The Thayeria sp. Red Tail, commonly known as the Red Tail Hockey Stick Tetra, is a striking and unique freshw...
View full detailsDiamond Tetra
Topick AquariumDiamond Tetra (Moenkhausia pittieri) Description: The Diamond Tetra, native to Venezuela's Lake Valencia region, is a stunning freshwater fish k...
View full detailsRuby Tetra
Topick AquariumRuby Tetra (Axelrodia riesei) Description: The Ruby Tetra, Axelrodia riesei, is a small freshwater fish native to South America. It is distingui...
View full detailsRhinogobius ‘Star Flag’
Topick AquariumRhinogobius ‘Star Flag’ Description: Rhinogobius ‘Star Flag’, also known as the Hangzhou Star Flag Goby, is a small and captivating freshwater fi...
View full detailsPhoenix Tetra
Topick AquariumPhoenix Tetra (Hemigrammus filamentosus) Description: The Phoenix Tetra is a beautifully radiant species with a fiery play of colors, reflecting h...
View full detailsRio Atabapo Whiptail Catfish
Topick AquariumRio Atabapo Whiptail Catfish (Rineloricaria sp. 'Rio Atabapo') Description: The Rio Atabapo Whiptail Catfish is an elegant and unique freshwater...
View full detailsHalf Moon Betta
Topick AquariumAssorted Half Moon Betta - Betta splendens Description: The Half Moon Betta is a breathtaking variety of the Betta splendens, named for the wide s...
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