Green Neon Tetra
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Green Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon simulans)
The Green Neon Tetra, scientifically known as Paracheirodon simulans, is a dazzling freshwater fish known for its shimmering green and blue iridescence. Native to the blackwater rivers of the Amazon Basin, this species is a smaller and more delicate relative of the classic Neon Tetra. Perfect for nano aquariums or peaceful community tanks, the Green Neon Tetra adds a vibrant, schooling dynamic to any setup.
- Brilliant green and blue iridescent stripe running along its body
- Small size, growing up to 1 inch in length, ideal for nano or planted tanks
- Peaceful temperament, best kept in schools of 6 or more to display natural behavior
- Active and eye-catching, especially under soft, dim lighting
Care Instructions:
- Tank Size: Minimum 10 gallons with soft, acidic water and plenty of plants
- Water Parameters: pH 4.0-6.5, soft water preferred
- Temperature: 22-28°C (72-82°F)
- Diet: Omnivorous; thrives on high-quality micro pellets, flakes, and live or frozen foods such as daphnia and brine shrimp
- Compatibility: Ideal for peaceful community tanks with other small, non-aggressive fish. Avoid larger or predatory species