Red Galaxy Fishbone Shrimp
Red Galaxy Fishbone Shrimp
Characterized by its vibrant Dark Red hue complemented by the Snowflake gene, the Red Galaxy Fishbone Shrimp stands as a testament to years of selective and refined breeding. It's an optimal choice for breeders with an eye for precision, offering consistent stability in both coloration and form.
- Enriched with the distinct Snowflake gene
- Highly recommended for selective breeding
- Exceptional stability in color and appearance
- Sourced directly from Taiwan
How to Keep:
As a member of the Caridina family, the Red Galaxy Fishbone Shrimp prefers soft, acidic water conditions. The ideal setup includes remineralized RO water, aqua soil substrate, sponge filters, driftwood, almond leaves, and premium food to bolster their striking coloration. To establish a thriving colony, a starter batch of at least 10 is recommended.
- Scientific Name: Caridina cf. cantonensis
- Temperature: 18 - 27 °C
- pH Level: 5.8 - 7.2 (Optimal: 6.5 – 6.8)
- TDS: 90-130 ppm (Our Tank: 100ppm)
- GH: 3-6
- KH: 0-1
- Lifespan: ~2 years
- Size: 2.5 - 3 cm
- Diet: Omnivore
- Breeding: Simplified with remineralized RO water
- Gestation Period: 28 - 32 Days
- Care Level: Very Easy
If you're in the market for rare or top-grade shrimps, don't hesitate to reach out. We can facilitate direct orders from Taiwan on your behalf.