Apistogramma Fire Red Agassizi
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Apistogramma Fire Red Agassizi (Apistogramma agassizii 'Fire Red')
The Apistogramma Fire Red Agassizi, a stunning variant of the Apistogramma agassizii, is known for its vibrant red and orange hues, contrasted with iridescent blue accents. Native to the Amazon Basin, this dwarf cichlid brings a pop of color to any freshwater aquarium. Known for its active behavior and complex social interactions, the Fire Red Agassizi is an excellent choice for aquarists looking to add personality and color to their tanks.
- Brilliant red and orange coloration with blue highlights, especially vivid on males
- Small size, reaching up to 3 inches, ideal for smaller or medium-sized aquariums
- Active and curious nature, often exploring and interacting with its environment
- Peaceful yet territorial during breeding, suitable for community tanks with compatible species
Care Instructions:
- Tank Size: Minimum 20 gallons with plenty of hiding spots, plants, and open swimming areas
- Water Parameters: pH 6.0-7.0, soft, slightly acidic water
- Temperature: 24-28°C (75-82°F)
- Diet: Omnivorous; feed a varied diet of high-quality flakes, pellets, and live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms
- Compatibility: Best kept with other peaceful fish. Avoid housing with larger or aggressive species that may intimidate or harm them