Geophagus Daemon
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Geophagus Daemon (Satanoperca daemon)
The Geophagus Daemon, also known as the Demon Eartheater, is a stunning freshwater cichlid species native to South America's slow-moving rivers and floodplains. Renowned for its shimmering coloration, long dorsal filaments, and fascinating eartheater behavior, this species is a favorite among aquarists seeking a peaceful yet striking centerpiece for their aquarium. The Geophagus Daemon thrives in large, natural-style tanks with plenty of sandy substrate and hiding spots.
- Striking iridescent scales with red and blue accents on the fins
- Medium to large size, growing up to 10 inches in length
- Unique eartheater behavior, sifting through sand and substrate for food
- Peaceful temperament, ideal for well-maintained community tanks
Care Instructions:
- Tank Size: Minimum 75 gallons with a soft, sandy substrate and ample hiding spaces
- Water Parameters: pH 6.0-7.5, soft, slightly acidic water
- Temperature: 25-30°C (77-86°F)
- Diet: Omnivorous; prefers a varied diet of high-quality pellets, flakes, and live or frozen foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and mysis shrimp
- Compatibility: Best kept with other large, peaceful or semi-aggressive species. Avoid very small tankmates that may be seen as food