Pure Black Line (PBL) Shrimp
Pure Black Line (PBL) Shrimp
Renowned for its intense coloration, the Pure Black Line Shrimp is a selectively bred variant of the Crystal Black Shrimp. Unlike some other variants, the PBL Shrimp is pure-bred, ensuring it never produces golden bee offsprings. Characterized by its vibrant black and white hues and a thicker shell, it stands as a testament to precision in breeding.
- Vibrant black and white coloration
- Thicker shell for added resilience
- Pure bred, no golden bee offspring
- Direct importation from Taiwan
How to Keep:
As a Caridina species, the PBL Shrimp thrives best in soft, acidic water. For optimal results, employ remineralized RO water, aqua soil substrate, sponge filters, driftwood, almond leaves, and quality shrimp food.
- Scientific Name: Caridina cf. cantonensis
- Temperature: 18 - 27 °C
- pH Level: 5.8 - 7.2 (Optimal: 6.5 – 6.8)
- TDS: 90-130 ppm (Our Tank: 100ppm)
- GH: 3-6
- KH: 0-1
- Lifespan: ~2 years
- Size: 2.5 - 3 cm
- Diet: Omnivore
- Breeding: Facilitated by remineralized RO water
- Gestation Period: 28 - 32 Days
- Care Level: Very Easy
For inquiries about rare or top-grade shrimps, connect with us. We can facilitate direct orders from Taiwan. For comprehensive guidelines on Caridina Shrimp care, do visit our Care Guide.